James Cole
Senior Consultant
James' career in planning and urban design has seen him work in the UK, Canada and Australia over the last ten years in local and state government, not-for-profit and private practice. James is a respected professional for his intellect, design and creativity, and calm demeanour. He has an appreciation for successful and permeable urban spaces, a passion for designing collaborative solutions both digitally and physically, and a desire to improve efficiency within the continued creation and improvement of the built environment.
His earlier urban design work included researching residential integration and pedestrian permeability, followed by a public realm improvement strategy for Toronto's Financial District. He subsequently became a Planning and Design Consultant in Greater London.
In 2015 James worked in the ePlanning Innovations team at the NSW Department of Planning and Environment with Clare. In 2016, he worked within the Legislations Update Planning Reform team. Recently with GovPartners he provided Project Management expertise and support to the Australian Museum.
James holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Geography and Planning from the University of Sheffield in the UK.
You can see his photography work at www.jamescole.photography.